Rare Diseases Symptoms Automatic Extraction

Spontaneous bilateral corneal perforation in a patient with ichthyosis.

[lamellar ichthyosis]

We present an 8-month-old female patient with bilateral spontaneous corneal perforation and lamellar ichthyosis. On examination, the skin of the body and face of the patient was completely dry and scaly. Cicatricial ectropion and descemetocele with small perforations were seen. Double-layered amniotic membrane transplantation on the cornea with eyelid construction was performed on both eyes. At the 6-month follow-up, lower eyelid minimal ectropion formation and inferior corneal leukoma were seen bilaterally. In ichthyosis patients, the cornea should be monitored closely due to the risk of severe visual loss and corneal perforation.

Diseases presenting "corneal perforation" symptom

  • lamellar ichthyosis

This symptom has already been validated