Rare Diseases Symptoms Automatic Extraction

Clinical experience with an L-proline–stabilized 10 %intravenous immunoglobulin (Privigen®): real-life effectiveness and tolerability.

[severe combined immunodeficiency]

This retrospective study evaluated the effectiveness and tolerability in clinical practice of an L-proline-stabilized 10 % intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG; Privigen®) in patients with primary (PID) or secondary immunodeficiency (SID).Patients from 6 centers in Europe and the US were treated with individually determined regimens of Privigen® for ≥3 months. Serum immunoglobulin G (IgG) trough levels, annualized rates of infection, hospitalization and antibiotics use, and the incidence of adverse events (AEs) were analyzed.Of 72 patients, three infants with severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID) were analyzed separately. The remaining 69 patients (52.2 % male; median age 38 years [range: 0.1-90.0]) with PID (82.6 %) or SID (17.4 %) received a mean (±standard deviation) Privigen® dose of 532 ± 250 mg/kg/month resulting in trough serum IgG levels of 407-1,581 mg/dL (median: 954 mg/dL). Ten patients (14.5 %) experienced 11 serious bacterial infections over 22.0 ± 15.0 months of treatment (0.087 events/patient/year, upper one-sided 99 % confidence interval: 0.170), the most common being pneumonia (11.6 %). The rates for any infection and hospitalization were 1.082 events/patient/year and 3.63 days/patient/year, respectively. Two patients with severe disease accounted for 303 of 460 hospital days. Across all 72 patients, 13 (18.1 %) patients experienced AEs, including 10 (13.9 %) patients with AEs at least possibly related to Privigen®, including headache (8.3 %), fever, and chills (2.8 % each). No related serious AEs were reported. One infant with SCID died due to severe viral infection.Despite the heterogeneous population, effectiveness and tolerability of Privigen® in clinical practice closely matched those reported in clinical studies.

Diseases presenting "immunodeficiency" symptom

  • adrenal incidentaloma
  • allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis
  • cushing syndrome
  • dracunculiasis
  • hirschsprung disease
  • hodgkin lymphoma, classical
  • homocystinuria without methylmalonic aciduria
  • kabuki syndrome
  • legionellosis
  • malignant atrophic papulosis
  • oculocutaneous albinism
  • omenn syndrome
  • papillon-lefèvre syndrome
  • primary effusion lymphoma
  • primary hyperoxaluria type 1
  • pyomyositis
  • severe combined immunodeficiency
  • sneddon syndrome
  • werner syndrome
  • wiskott-aldrich syndrome
  • wolf-hirschhorn syndrome
  • x-linked adrenoleukodystrophy

This symptom has already been validated