Malignant atrophic papulosis.
[malignant atrophic papulosis]
We describe a 34-year-old woman presenting with a 1-year history of asymptomatic, atrophic papules disseminated mainly on the trunk. The clinical features were characteristic of malignant atrophic papulosis, and the histopathologic features were confirmatory. The etiology of this rare condition, described for the first time in 1941, remains unknown. Also the pathogenesis is still controversial. A vascular disorder has been postulated by most authors, primary inflammatory or thrombotic vascular changes as well as primary endothelial proliferation being often mentioned in the literature. In the present case, the biopsy specimen of a recent efflorescence showed these three alterations all together, making it impossible to identify conclusively the primary event. Thrombosis, being already noticed in such early lesions, is likely to be of pathogenic importance. Rheological therapy as described in the literature may therefore be the most appropriate. In the present case, the lesions came spontaneously to a standstill without drug therapy.