Rare Diseases Symptoms Automatic Extraction

In vivo and in vitro evidence of somatostatin receptors expression in a dedifferentiated retroperitoneal liposarcoma.

[dedifferentiated liposarcoma]

A 62-year-old patient presented with mildly elevated catecholamines and an abdominal painless mass. Abdominal CT revealed an 18 × 12 cm tumor in the right retroperitoneum with intense contrast enhancement. Somatostatin receptor scintigraphy (SRS) showed pathologic uptake by the lesion. Given the suspicion of paraganglioma, the patient was referred to surgery for tumor removal. Surprisingly, the histopathological examination revealed a dedifferentiated liposarcoma. Somatostatin receptors of type 2 were identified and quantified by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction. The unexpected presentation of our patient draws clinicians' attention when performing diagnostic procedure for retroperitoneal lesions, even though hormone secretion and positive SRS strongly suggest paraganglioma.

Diseases presenting "tumor in the right retroperitoneum with intense contrast enhancement" symptom

  • dedifferentiated liposarcoma

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