Rare Diseases Symptoms Automatic Extraction

The Cohen syndrome. Retinal lesions and granulocytopenia.

[cohen syndrome]

A patient with the Cohen syndrome is described and the literature is reviewed. Electroretinography (ERG) showed that the patient had a tapeto-retinal degeneration. The authors believe that a retinitis pigmentosa-like phenotype is an obligatory sign in patients with the Cohen syndrome. Assessment of a tapeto-retinal dystrophy by electroretinography, however, is often not available for mentally retarded persons. The authors' patient also had granulocytopenia. This was previously described in Finnish patients with Cohen's syndrome. They speculate that this sign is more prevalent in the disorder than would appear from the literature. Alternatively, there may be a type I Cohen syndrome with granulocytopenia and a type II without.

Diseases presenting "retinal degeneration" symptom

  • alexander disease
  • canavan disease
  • coats disease
  • cohen syndrome
  • homocystinuria without methylmalonic aciduria

This symptom has already been validated